The STG-75 Series is a reliable, accurate, and well-designed mechanical tension gauge. It is a proven design, well-used within the industry in even large and demanding screen measurement applications such as commercial and industrial screen printing. With its broad measurement range, the STG-75 Series is ideally suited for measuring high tension, large format screens, for example, stainless steel.
When combined with the optional DP-1VR digital printer, it can be used to create a permanent record of all tension measurements, OK/NG test results, and even be used to create histograms.
Please note that these meters display results in metric units only. See downloadable User Guide for metric to Newton scale conversion chart.
- Wide range of measurement
- Highly accurate
- High performance dial gauge
- STG-75D can be connected to printer
Product Options
- Display
- Analog (STG-75M), Digital (STG-75D)
- Printing
- DP-VR1 Printer Cable Available (STG-75D only)